QuickBooks Payroll Error 15301

QuickBooks Payroll Error 15301: Tried And Tested Solutions

“QuickBooks is by far the best accounting software I have come across. Why? It’s affordable software with amazing features to offer. But, not so long ago I started facing errors. As a result, my system would crash or sometimes the software froze. It started affecting my work and I didn’t know what to do. I contacted the QuickBooks customer support team, who helped me in learning and researching all these errors like QuickBooks Payroll Error 15301. Finally, with the help of the support team and research, I was able to eliminate the said error.”

Recurring QuickBooks errors can be exasperating to resolve if your grasp of it is not good enough. QuickBooks Payroll Error 15301 is one such recurring error that users face most frequently. Today, we are here to guide you through the QuickBooks payroll error 15310. Let us get started. 

What Is QuickBooks Payroll Error 15301?

QuickBooks is definitely a very remarkable software. However, one cannot just turn a blind eye to the errors like QuickBooks Payroll Error 15301. You might come across this error while upgrading your QBs software to the latest version or during the download of payroll updates. 

As a result, the software crashes, the system freezes or works slowly and the computer becomes unresponsive to the inputs. Furthermore, your business is affected and delayed. And that is why we cannot just overlook QuickBooks Error 15301. But before we get into solutions to resolve the said error, we must know why it occurs.

What Causes QuickBooks Payroll Error 15301?

Knowing the causes of QuickBooks Payroll Error 15301 let alone any error is important. Then we can resolve it by considering its root cause & make sure it doesn’t occur again. QuickBooks Payroll Error 15301 is an update error that arises while updating software or payroll. There are many probable causes. However, these are the most common causes for QuickBooks Error code 15301.

  • The updating procedure might be interrupted.
  • A corrupted windows registry can cause QuickBooks Error code 15301.
  • The QuickBooks software is not installed properly.
  • Windows firewall is interfering with the upgradation process.
  • A third-party attack (malware) on the software.
  • Damaged or corrupted components of QuickBooks.

 Symptoms Of QuickBooks Payroll Error 15301

An error occurring repeatedly is not only a threat to the system but can cause huge losses to your business if not taken care of. Before diving into solutions, here are the warning signs you might want to look out for:

  • Windows crashes frequently.
  • The system freezes and the software crashes every now and then.
  • The system is unresponsive to inputs like mouse and keyboard commands.
  • QuickBooks Payroll Error 15301 message appears on the screen.
  • The download of new updates failed.
  • Unable to upgrade payroll.

Solutions To Resolve QuickBooks Payroll Error 15301

QuickBooks Error 15301 is not an unusual error faced by users. It occurs very frequently and is neglected most of the time until you cannot. Therefore it is better to get rid of it before you have no choices left. Here’s a list of solutions that will help you in the process.

Solution 1: Fix Your QuickBooks

There is a possibility that QuickBooks payroll Error 15301 is prevailing because of damage to your software. Here’s how to fix it:

  • Start with closing all the applications running in the background.
  • In the Windows menu, open the Control Panel.
  • Open the add or remove applications tab and look for QuickBooks.
  • When you click right on it, you’ll see the repair option. Press it.
  • Hit next and wait for the restoration procedure to complete.
  • Try downloading the updates again, if the error persists move to the next solution.
Also Read: Troubleshooting Guide For QuickBooks Error 15311

Solution 2: Change Your Antivirus Settings

Change Your Antivirus Settings

The sole purpose of an antivirus or firewall is to protect the system from malicious activities. The updates that you are trying to download can be identified as a threat to the system. This can be a result of unfavorable settings.

  • In the search field look for the firewall and open it.
  • Click right on the inbound rules in the advanced settings tab.
  • Tab on new rule >> port >> next.
  • Ensure TCP is marked.
  • In the specific fields, enter the version and year of QuickBooks you want to operate.
  • Hit next >> Allow the Connection >> Next.
  • Make sure all checkboxes are selected in the prompted window.
  • Create and name the rule QBPorts(year). Hit finish.
  • Repeat the above steps for outbound rules as well.

Solution 3:  Download A Digital Signature Certificate

Download A Digital Signature Certificate to fix QuickBooks Payroll Error 15301

A digital signature certificate is a prominent component as it works as an identification card for institutions online. However, an error like QuickBooks Error 15301 can occur if the software fails to identify the presence of a digital signature certification. Install it in these steps:

  • Open file explorer and look for the .exe file.
  • Right-click on it and open residences.
  • Open the virtual signature window and ensure intuit is on the list.
  • Go to info, and tap on view certificates.
  • Click on the install certificate and follow the on-screen instructions to successfully install a digital signature certificate.
Also Read: QuickBooks Error 15222 : Payroll Update Error Troubleshooting Guide

Solution 4: Make Sure The Payroll Key Entered Is Accurate

In case the payroll service key you entered is incorrect, QuickBooks payroll error 15301 can arise. Follow these steps to avoid this situation: 

  • Open QuickBooks desktop and click on the Employees tab.

Make Sure The Payroll Key Entered Is Accurate

  • You’ll see my payroll service option, hit it.
  • Select manage service key.
  • Press edit and make sure the payroll service key is accurate.
  • Hit Next then Finish. 

Solution 5: Resolve The Error Manually

When all else fails, you can also resolve the error manually. It is a bit more effort but it might just get rid of the error. Follow these steps

  • Verify system date and time.
  • Open the cipher settings, if the strength is more than 128 bytes, your internet is damaged.
  • Go to intuit.com and open menu >> files >> properties >> connection.
  • Before bytes encryption, look for quantity.
  • Update your settings
  • Now follow: Tools >> Internet >> General >> Temporary files >> Delete.
  • Verify LAN settings in the connections sector.
  • Ensure SSL 2.0 and SSL 3.0 are marked in the advanced section.
  • Untick the box that says evaluate for publisher’s certificate.
  • Now, verify the following: QuickBooks active subscription, and updated software.
Also Read: QuickBooks Error 15271 : Payroll Update and Maintenance Error [Solved]


QuickBooks Error code 15301 is neither difficult to identify nor it is hard to resolve. If you work your way through the solutions carefully, it will take you only a few minutes to eliminate this error completely. As if it was never there. Nonetheless, if all else fails, you can always look for a resolution with our support team. We have highly trained professionals to look after your issues and resolve them as soon as possible. Tell us in the comment which of the above solutions helped you eliminate the error.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: How do I solve error 15102 in QuickBooks?

A: While downloading updates you receive a message Error 15102: Failed to reset update. As a result, all updates fail. To resolve this, follow these steps:

  • Switch to single-user mode.
  • Verify specified file location is the same as the QuickBooks desktop installation directory.
  • Relocate the company file to the drive.
  • Operate QuickBooks as admin

Q: What is shared download in QuickBooks update?

A: A shared download is such an option that when turned on, it enables QuickBooks to update automatically. As a result, you never miss out on any updates and the software becomes less prone to errors. To enable shared downloads:

  • The folder containing the company file is to be shared with everyone on the network
  • Locate the drive by each system using QuickBooks to make sure users have proper access to company files.
  • Open company file data >> file menu >> update QuickBooks.
  • Tap on options and mark the shared download option.
  • Save the settings.